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RM 238.00
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RM 280.00
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"Accelerate metabolism 提升新陈代谢"        

"  Burn fat 消除脂肪与内脏脂肪"        

"Blocking oil and starch absorption阻油阻淀粉吸收"        

Burn calories 消耗卡路里         

Increase satiety 增加饱腹感        

❤ 成分 Ingredients         

Passion Fruit 百香果        

Strawberry 草莓        

Acai Berry 巴西莓        

L-Carnitine 左旋肉碱        

Hoodia Gordonii 仙人掌萃取        

Carcinia Cambogia 藤黄果        

White Kidney Bean 白芸豆        

Guarana 瓜拉纳        

Green Tea Extract 绿茶提取物        

Citrus Aurantium 苦橙        

Fructose 低聚果糖        

🧡ETOS  DETOX FRUIT JUICE              


Relieve constipation缓解便秘        

Detox 排毒        

Promoting digestive function 促进消化功能        

Maintain intestinal health保持肠道健康        

Eliminate edema消除水肿        

"Enhance body immunity增强身体免疫 


❤ 成分 Ingredients         

Passion Fruit 百香果        

Lemon 柠檬        

Orange 橙子        

Apple Fibre 苹果纤维        

Fructo oligosaccharide低聚果糖         

Psyllium 洋车前子        


Citric acid 柠檬酸        

EZOU & ETOS (DIRECTION饮用方法)                

STEP 1 (EZOU)                

使用150-200ml 普通水温冲泡,搅拌均匀即可饮用.(建议每日一包,早餐前30分钟前饮用)                


女性在月经期间不建议饮用EZOU  (月经期间身体无法吸收产品)                

如有胃病症状 建议在早餐后30分钟饮用EZOU 。                 





Take 1 sachet perday  ,30 minutes before breakfast use 150-200ml  water                

stir well and drink.                 

not recommended to use warm and hot water                

"Not recommended to drink during menstruation,(products cannot be absorbed by the body during menstruation)


If  have symptoms of stomach problems, it is recommended to drink EZOU 30 minutes after breakfast.                

Within 30 minutes of drinking EZOU, do not drink alcohol or coffee beverages.                

❌Not recommended for pregnant women and severely ill patients (heart disease and cancer patients)                


STEP 2  (ETOS)           

使用150-200ml 普通水温冲泡,搅拌均匀即可饮用.(建议每日一包,晚餐后30分钟后饮用)                注意:不建议使用温水和热水                


"Take 1 sachet with 150-200ml water stir well & drink .

(Suggest drink after dinner 30min)"                



Suitable for anyone to drink.